Everett was 8lbs 3ozs and 20 inches when he was born. At his first Drs visit he weighed 7lbs 8ozs, normal weight loss for the first few days of life. His reflexes were great and the Dr was very happy with him. He was eating every 3 hours and sleeping between, and was alert and active for about an hour each day.
We had some trouble with our 2 week check up. Everett only weighed 7lbs 10ozs. He gained just 2ozs in 2 weeks. Bad news. He should have been back to his birth weight by then. The doctor gave me one week to get his weight up or he will make us start using formula. Nothing wrong with formula, I just want to breastfeed him! I have been making sure to feed him every two hours. It is tough, but worth it for my little monster. We go back Friday (tomorrow) for a weight check. Keep us in your prayers!
you guys are great parents!!
ReplyDeleteand the little guy is pretty stinkin cute!
You can do it! Hang in there :) Prayers for you and Everett